Friday, May 4, 2012

April...a month in review!

April was a VERY busy month at the Beach house! We struggled through a week of FCAT testing, spent a weekend in Tampa with our youth at Acquire the Fire, celebrated our first anniversary and much, MUCH more!

I have been slacking on the blog posts, but am promising to try and get better as I have more free time! Once summer is here I will have no excuse, lol!

As far as our family goals go, we have continued working towards all of our monthly goals and are VERY close to marking off one huge goal for our family and that is getting Shaun enrolled to start his masters degree! He is going down to Orlando to check out the NOBTS campus there and hopefully get the ball rolling for his fall admission! God has proven Himself faithful again and is opening doors for our little family! We couldn't be more thankful!

The 2nd/3rd week of April we tackled the 4th grade FCAT and I am happy to say all of our shoulders (my student's included) are a little bit lighter! We are looking forward to closing out this school year on a positive note and I can't believe i'm sending my babies on to 5th grade! It seems like just yesterday they were walking through our classroom door for their first day of 4th grade! Time has really flown this year and I have been blessed with an incredible group of students!

The weekend after FCAT Shaun and I, along with our partners in crime Amber, David and Jon had the privilege of taking our youth down to a youth conference in Tampa called Acquire the Fire. We were so excited to see God working in the lives of our teenagers, transforming them and preparing them for the awesome future God has in store for each of their lives! You can check out the pictures on our Youth Group page R.U.S.H Youth Ministry!

Finally, after all that excitement was over Shaun and I were able to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary! We spent Sunday afternoon playing on my new iPad and went to go see the Hunger Games and spent most of the day Monday at Islands of Adventure, visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! We ended our celebrating with an anniversary dinner at Lampu! It's incredible to look back over the last year and see the evidence of God at work in our lives! He has blessed us more than we could ever imagine and is continuing to show evidence of His work in our lives! We were reminded once again, that living for Christ, although not easy, is always more than worth it! I thank God every day for the blessing He gave me in Shaun!

April ended with plans for celebrating Shaun's birthday in sight, the last few weeks of school on our shoulders and the first sun of summer shining bright! We have several full weeks ahead, finishing up the school year, planning wedding festivities for David and Amber and enjoying summer vacation!

Happy May, everyone!
