Monday, January 30, 2012

January...a month in review!

As an add-on to my new year's goal of blogging, I have decided to post once a month, at the end of the month to recap what has taken place in our lives that month. One month in, and so far so good! lol We'll see how long this goal lasts...but as for now, here's my "January...a month in review!"

It's hard to believe that January has come and gone so quickly. It seems like just yesterday we were opening Christmas present, and watching the ball drop on New Year's Eve...

In terms of our goal setting, I'd say January has been a pretty productive month! We were able to cross off 4 of our 10 total household goals, maintain all of our monthly financial goals, and start the process of getting health insurance for Shaun! I'd say we're off to a great start! (Just incase anyone wants to keep us accountable, next month's major goals are book shelves in the library, passports for Shaun and I, and getting Shaun signed up for his GED and me signed up for my ESE endorsement test! We're aiming high!)

Aside from our goals, we've been blessed to spend time with family and friends and fellowship with our youth this month. Some of the highlights include, most recently, a trip to the Ice Den with the youth to go ice skating, a BCS win for my Bama boys (ROLLLLL TIDE!), sitting around the fire making s'mores and playing cards with my mom, dad, David and Amber and making plenty of time to have one "date night" each week (another one of our goals this year)!

Looking ahead into February we are excited for our first married Valentine's Day (i'm making Shaun a date box that has an entire box full of pre-planned dates, organized by month! thank you, pinterest!), our niece Alysia is turning 2 already, we've got two youth events in the works (Harlem Globetrotter's Ambassadors and a Game Night) and personally, I am looking forward to saying goodbye to our first FCAT test!

As I reviewed the pictures on my desk top that were waiting to go into my "Blog Pictures" file I found some random pictures that never made it into a blog this month, so I will take the opportunity to add them here. Silly, yes but I couldn't help but celebrate the big win for my Alabama boys one last time...the poster you see in the picture was made by my students as a "gift" to our friend Mrs. Keyes who is just as big an LSU fan as I am a Bama fan... and of course the picture of Shaun's cat is too humorous for words...if you've never met Splat, well, let's just say she is quite the queen bee and is typically less than impressed when Shaun messes with her! lol

We are so blessed by God to have the family, friends and co-workers He has given us to live, fellowship and work along side and we are so thankful that God has continued to show Himself faithful in our lives, as we trust Him to guide our future! May God be glorified in 2012!

Happy (almost) February, everyone!

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