Time to play "catch-up"...
At the end of January I made a commitment to post at the end of each month, reviewing our goals set back in January so at the end of the year we could look back and reflect before setting next year's goals.
I'm afraid I don't have any exciting goals to celebrate for February (I blame it on being the shortest month, haha)! We spent the majority of the month preparing for future goals and playing "catch-up" as we experienced busy schedules complete with sickness, long days at work, etc.
I'm excited to report that our backyard is ready for a fence to be installed over spring break (Lord willing)! My dad and Shaun have both worked very hard to trim some trees and clear out some extra shrubs/bushes, etc. so hopefully the fence installation process will be as pain-free as possible! We shall see.
Furthermore, Shaun is still looking into master's programs so we haven't made any progress on signing him up for his GED or getting him enrolled in a graduate program.
I am all signed up for my ESE Certification Exam K-12, just waiting on the income tax refund to come in so I can afford to pay for it. ($200 for a test to better myself as a teacher...seems like a sick joke to me but I suppose I "gotta do, what I gotta do")!
We have been working diligently on redecorating our bedroom, as that is another of our goals and still aren't finished yet. I spent most of the day today repairing broken picture frames and putting together a new headboard/wall light piece inspired by pinterest...stay tunned for a blog on that project!
All in all, we maintained all of our financial goals and are working hard to pay off my student loans and both of our cars! One day those will be all paid off!!
My last thought for the month of February is this:
"God is faithful!"
February was a very busy month for us filled with FCAT Writes, changes in work schedules, multiple doctor's appointments trying to get my thyroid in check, etc. Through the busy times, the hard times, the happy times, and all the other times in between...God is faithful! He is guiding and directing our steps each day and we are so thankful!
"May God be glorified in 2012!"