Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Break Project 3...Garden!

So, I've never been the "green thumb" type. I haven't ever cared much about gardening, planting or anything of the this whole garden thing, well, it's sort of a risk-taker for me, lol! I am stepping out on a ledge in the name of frugality and, in attempt to cut back on our grocery bill each month, am growing some fruits and veggies right in our very own garden which is now nicely secure behind our new fence!

I am looking forward to these plants producing fruit and veggies, but in the mean time, well, let's just hope I remember to water them! Here's a little sneak peak of our garden, week one, in pictures!

My baby watermelons, apparently known as "icebox melons"

Snap peas, cucumbers and onions!

My blueberry plant!

Strawberry plant!

The poor corn and jalapenos that didn't make it into the ground before I ran out of potting soil.

Here's to hoping for a fruitful crop in about 60-90 days! Yay for Spring!


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