Saturday, March 10, 2012

Canvas & Twinkle Lights Head Board's my latest project!

One of my goals for this year was to redecorate our bedroom and it's been an on-going process for the last few months. It's still not finished yet, but today I marked one HUGE project off the list! I have been looking for something to put on the big empty wall space above our bed as well as something to add light to our room (part of our room was an add-on and has no light source) so I could actually see into my closet when i'm trying to get dressed, lol!

I saw a few ideas on pinterest and finally got up the nerve to try one. It took a long time (and quite a few burned fingers) to get it right, but i'm so glad I stuck with it!

Here's the picture!

Here's how to do it!

3 canvases (or how ever many you need to fit your size wall space)
one strand of lights for each canvas (I just used old Christmas lights)
hot glue
clear packing tape

Attach one strand of lights to the back of each canvas. I used my hot glue gun and glued the lights down one at a time around the outside of the frame, plus the middle bar, then just strung the rest through the middle, attaching the rest with hot glue to hold in place. It was very time consuming, but got the job done. (I have already decided that if I do this again I am just going to risk putting more nails in the wall and string the lights around the nails and merely hang the canvases on top to avoid burned fingers and a ton of time.)
Use clear packing tape to tape down any parts of the strand of lights that sticks out from the canvas.
Carefully use the hot glue gun to to glue the canvases together from behind. I ran a line of glue down each of the seams and let it dry. It isn't perfectly stable but if you pick it up with two people it should stay together fine.
Finally, measure the area you are going to hang the canvases and place long nails/screws into the wall making sure they stick out far enough to give room for the lights to "breath" behind the canvases. Then hang your canvases, plug in, and enjoy!

I'm still working on a solution for the part of the lights that runs down to the plug, lol. As for now, i'm loving the this project so much that it doesn't bother me. When that changes, I'll look for a solution! :)


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