Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dying Easter Eggs...With A Twist!

With Easter quickly (yes, time seems to be FLYING by) approaching I took some time a couple weeks ago to dye Easter eggs with some of my girls! Katie mentioned that she hadn't ever dyed Easter eggs so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to let her try her hand at it! And, like all good ladies do, we turned to pinterest for some inspiration before we began dying eggs...wanting to find something a little "different" or "more creative" than the traditional egg dying.

Here's what we came up with...

You start off boiling eggs and preparing your egg dye like you would for traditional egg dying.

Then, before you put your eggs in the dye lightly crack the shells of the boiled egg. We just firmly rolled ours on the marble counter top and that seemed to do the trick!

You don't want the shell to peel, but you want it to crack enough that it breaks the inner film so the dye can seep into the egg itself.

Next, set your egg in the color of dye you want your egg to become and leave it there for 5-10 minutes. This method takes a little extra time to soak into the egg itself and to make sure the color is bright enough that it shows up on the egg. The lighter the color the longer it needs to soak.

Finally, pull the egg out of the dye and let it dry. Once the dye is dry peel the broken shell off and admire the very cool design you just created on your egg.

The girls and I were so excited that we ate several eggs before they even made it to the carton! What a great way to encourage little ones to eat eggs!

Just a little something different for the long-time tradition of egg dying! I would love to hear any Easter holiday traditions or suggestions you have!

Happy Spring!

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