Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dryer sheets that last as long as your homemade laundry detergent...

Just another handy tip for saving a few dollars around the house...

Once I made the homemade laundry detergent I remember saying to Shaun, "if only we could make the dryer sheets last as long as that detergent, we'd be in good shape." Well good shape here we come because I stumbled upon this extremely simple way to make those dryer sheets last longer!

Brace yourself, because once you see this you're going to be amazed! (and possibly ask yourself WHY you never thought of it...at least I did anyway!)

Are you ready for this?? Here it is...

You take your box of dryer sheets and a pair of scissors and you...wait for it...cut them in half. Yes, that's it and WA-LA you have twice as many dryer sheets that are sure to last you quite some time. When you're done cutting just sit them right back in the box and use a HALF sheet per load!

Now, if you're wondering if this still has the same effect on your clothes the answer is YES! The research I did informed me that most dryer sheets are created to be used more than once (who would have known) and by cutting your dryer sheets in half you are still getting just enough to keep your clothes smelling nice and fresh! (a couple blogs I read said they even re-use the half sheets, but I don't think i'm quite brave enough to try that...maybe one day!)

That's all for today! Leave me any homemade money saving tips that you have tried...I would love to hear about them!


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