Sunday, February 26, 2012


A little background knowledge before I begin this blog:

Growing up in middle and high school I was blessed to be part of a youth group that was regularly challenged to examine our lives and determine if we were, in fact, living up to what God had called us to be. Numerous times we were encouraged to give something up, or sacrifice for a period of time in order to spend more time with God. Many times, I found myself drawing closer to God because of such challenges.

During this period of my live I made a choice, a decision, a commitment to make every aspect of my life about God. At this time in my life this included things like friendships, school sports, school work, being a daughter, sister, friend, etc. I never realized how big of a deal this decision was, nor how thankful I would be, years later, looking back on that choice I made. 

Because I was challenged to be "sold-out" to Christ I approached my late teenage years seeking God's will for my life, instead of figuring out what "I" wanted to do. I felt God leading me to make decisions like working as a camp counselor at an all girl camp focused on missions, applying to a Christian college, graduating from high school a year early, traveling overseas as a missionary, etc. Never once did it even occur to me that I had another option from following God's will. It was what I wanted to do. It was what made me happy and I didn't want anything else.

From there I came into my twenties, now an "adult" and facing life in the real world. I graduated from college with a degree that God led me to, moved back home and started teaching (one of two things in life I begged God to not make me do)! Again, I entered this phase of life with the mindset of "What is God calling me to do" rather than "what do I want to do." Again, there wasn't any other option. Following God's will was the only thing I wanted. It was still what made me happy. It was (and still is) all that I live for.

Finally, the next phase of my life brought me into transition with my job, buying a house and getting married (quite possibly God's greatest blessing yet, outside of my salvation)! Once more, my driving force has been seeking God's will, not my own. Only in the last few years, as I have "grown up" so to speak, have I realized that there is even another option out there, following my own selfish desires, which I can praise God that I still have no interest in. 

I'm sure you're probably wondering why I went through that explanation and what it has to do with the "challenge" that my blog title indicates above. Please hang in there as I try to explain the answer to that question as briefly as possible.

This morning in church we were challenged with the idea of the practice behind "Lent." Now, I am not Catholic, nor have I ever been, so please understand that I am not trying to explain a practice of Catholicism that I have no experience with. I am merely using this as a point of reference for the explanation of a challenge that Shaun and I have taken on and are eager to share with you.

Back to the challenge...

This morning we were challenged to consider sacrificing something during this season of Lent in order to point to the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us in dying on the cross. As I listened to the lesson this morning I was once again reminded of the challenge that was presented to me as a youth. The idea of giving up something isn't nearly as important, in my humble opinion, as the idea of freeing up time each day to spend with our Savior. The entire idea behind this is becoming more like Jesus, by way of spending more time with Him.

As a youth I remember giving up things like soda, candy, instant messaging (I'm sure some of my current youth will call me "old" because of and other things that, at that time, were important to me. Sitting here now, it isn't a specific "thing" I want to give up this year. I don't watch much T.V., my diet is free of soda and candy and the computer isn't a huge time waster anymore but I had to figure out something. I wanted so desperately to re-live the experience of sacrificing for my Savior. I'll explain what Shaun and I chose to sacrifice in a few minutes, but first I want to make the connection with my earlier explanation.

The reason I am writing this blog and perhaps the reason I am so passionate about this is because of the impact it made on my life. If I hadn't been encouraged to spend more time with my Savior I don't think I would have ever understood the idea of "complete surrender"and been able to apply it to my life in terms of life choices and decisions, etc. I wouldn't have been encouraged to take my relationship with Jesus to the next level and, perhaps most importantly, I would never have discovered that the relationship I have with Jesus isn't about me and acknowledged that instead, it's about everyone else in this world who needs the touch of a Savior. It's about the 1.68 billion people in the world who have never heard the hope of Jesus. It's for the youth that God allows Shaun and I to work with so that we can pass on to them the importance of living sold out for Jesus. It's for my students sitting in my class that need to know that someone loves and believes in them. It's for the strangers I meet in Target (I avoid Wal-Mart like the plague) or the new friends God places in my life for a season. It's for THEM, because of HIM!

And it is for the "THEM" and because of "HIM" that Shaun and I have chosen to take part in this time of sacrifice for our Savior. We have each chosen a certain time of day that we are going to devote to spending time in God's word. We selected a time of day because, in our past experiences, we learned that tasks such as T.V., computer, video games, etc are easily avoided and we don't want that to be a weakness. We know that in anything we do for God, satan is going to combat us and try to make us fail. We didn't want to give Him that option. We are giving up a certain time of the day, each day instead. For me, most evenings I am home alone and while I am waiting on dinner to cook, or on Shaun to get home, instead of getting on pinterest or Facebook I am going to open my Bible. In return, Shaun typically stays up an hour or two after me each night as it takes him time to wind down from work. He usually uses this time to catch up on video games or play on his iPad. He is going to use this time to pursue God's word instead of these other activities.

In order to take this as seriously as possible we have also each selected several books/Bible studies to aide our time in the Word so we can challenge ourselves to walk closer with God each day. Shaun chose the book "My Life, His Mission" as he is currently seeking God's will for his life in reference to a career. He also chose "Life on the Edge" - a guide to raising up a generation for Christ as he pursues God's will for our youth ministry and how we can best reach the teenagers He has entrusted us with.

I chose "He Chose the Nails" by Max Lucado as a way to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made for me, along with one of my all time favorite books "The Papa Prayer" as I seek to further my prayer life so that I can be effective in praying for my husband, family, future children, youth, and students. My goal is to intercede for those that God has brought into my life.

With all that said, the purpose of this blog is to share what God has laid on my heart in reference to drawing nearer to Him. I want to challenge everyone reading this to be encouraged to seek ways you can draw nearer to your Creator! 

I will leave you with this:

Sometimes I hear people talking about how they have a "life verse" that has shaped who they are and what they are becoming...a Scripture verse or passage that has encouraged them in some way. I don't know that I could choose just one verse in particular to be a "life verse" for me, but I do know that the verse I am about to share has followed me in life and seems to show up every now and again as a fresh challenge and reminder to me. From my days in youth group, to days as a camp counselor, a college student, a missionary and now a teacher and wife, this verse has been one that I have gone back to in every season of my life. (The message in this verse appears in two different scripture references that I am aware of so I am going to share them both here...)

2 Samuel 24:24a
But the King replied to Araunah, "No I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing."

1 Chronicles 21:24
But King David replied to Araunah, "No I insist on paying the full price. I will not take what is yours and give it to the Lord. I will not present burnt offerings that cost me nothing."

Wow. What is my sacrifice costing me? Am I giving up something that is of value to me, or am I offering my God that which costs me nothing?

Am I willing to surrender it all, every area of my life, every breath I take, to the lover of my soul?

I pray that we would all reflect on that this week!


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