Monday, February 6, 2012

Homemade Stain Remover!

My latest adventure in homemade, natural cleaning products comes in the form of stain remover! I don't have children yet, but I do have a husband who works at a restaurant and comes home with grease stains quite often, and let me tell you I am SO thankful to have found something that works on those though stains!

I was so excited to test out this new product that I completely forgot to take before and after pictures, but believe me, it works like magic! I even tried it on some old dirt/grease stains that had been washed and dried a ton of times and it even helped fade those set-in stains! As far as "new" unwashed/dried stains, this completely removed the ketchup stain from Shaun's shorts!

Here's how you do it:
2/3 c ammonia
2/3 c Dawn dish soap
6 tbs baking soda
2 c warm water

Put it in a spray bottle and shake well. You will need to shake the bottle a little before each use to "re-mix" the baking soda, but if you add warm enough water when you initially mix the ingredients most of the baking soda will completely dissolve.

Spray onto the stain and rub fabric together then just toss in the wash! If it's a really tough stain, some of the research I did said you could try these other tips:

For grease stains: Rub the stain with chalk. (I haven't tried this one yet but I am definitely going to try it as soon as I can remember to buy chalk!)

For tough stains: Pour baking soda over the stain and add peroxide and mix to make a paste. Rub the paste into the stain. Wash.

Happy stain-removing! I would love to hear from those of you who have kiddos (or incredibly clumsy husbands lol) as to how this works for you and, as always, I would love to hear any homemade recipes you have for cleaning supplies!

Stay tuned for homemade swiffer bottle refills, homemade soap and a Valentine's Day craft for my students!


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