Sunday, February 26, 2012

Helpful Dryer Filter Hint...

This is definitely a must read...every homeowner needs to know this!

I was reading some helpful tips for ordinary things around the house and stumbled upon this little treasure. Apparently your dryer filter doesn't actually get clean just by you cleaning all the lint off it. Who knew? And not getting your filter really clean could result in a dryer fire...and nobody wants one of those!!

Here's how you check your filter to see if it is clean and safe. Pull the filter out of the dryer and run it under water. If it looks like this picture below you've got to get ready to scrub...

Here's what's wrong with this picture. The water is pooling on top of the filter and very little is actually draining through. Now your dryer vent is a screen...water should run straight through it!

Why does this happen, you ask?

Apparently when you put dryer sheets in your dryer, a film builds up on your vent, making it impossible for water to run through, or anything else for that matter; thus, making it more likely to start a fire in your dryer!

How do you get rid of this film?

That's an easy simply scrub it with hot, soapy water just like you would wash your dishes! If the film is extremely thick you might have to use a "scrubbing agent" such as a brush or sponge to help cut through that film.

You'll know that you were successful when water can pass through the screen uninhibited!

What helpful household hints can you share??


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