Sunday, February 26, 2012

Easter Wreath

I just finished my first Easter craft of the season and was so excited that I had to post about it!!

After looking at the Easter decorations at Target and realizing that I have absolutely no decorations of my own, I decided to start collecting some! This idea came to me while I was wandering the holidays aisle...

It was so simple to make!

All it takes is some hot glue, some plastic Easter eggs, a few buttons, letters to spell "Easter" and a few sheets of cardstock!

Here's how you do it:
First you find a circular object to help guide you and hot glue one row of eggs in a circle. You can make it as large as you like.
Then, take your cardstock and cut it into strips about 3 inches long by 3/4 inch wide. Hot glue to strips together and play "connect the dots" on the back of your circle of eggs covering the entire back circle with strips of cardstock to reinforce the eggs.
Next, you glue on a top layer of Easter eggs, alternating them and/or patterning them however you prefer.
Finally, add your buttons and/or letters however you like! My buttons and letters were things I had laying around the house so they didn't cost me anything. Likewise I had the cardstock paper and the hot glue, so this wreath cost me a total of $4.97 for the eggs! (I bought a pack of 70)!
I was going to add a cute bow to the bottom but it just appeared to busy with the ribbon I had so I just left it as-is.

Now that my front-door is festive, I just have to worry about the rest of my house, lol!

Happy (sort-of, almost) Easter, Happy Spring!

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